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Don’t miss FIFA Mobile Player of the Month Plan

Player of the Month is a FIFA Mobile plan that gives users the chance to acquire an elite player card over the course of a week.

Player of the Month or POTM is a FIFA Mobile program. Just like any other in game plan, it has specific cards requirement to complete it. The trick is that POTM plan changes every month and players have one week to finish it. When a new month begins, FIFA Mobile development team chooses a player with outstanding performance in the month that passed. An associated in game elite player card is designed after the real footballer. This will be the Player of the Month and can only be acquired by completing specific plans. Players will need to fulfill all Team of the Week plans over the course of that particular month. There are also additional completion requirements that may change each month. When a new Player of the Month plan starts, the FIFA Mobile team will announce more details about it in game and on their social network pages.

The Player of the Month can be acquired in the first week of each month. For example, the March Player of the Month becomes available after April 4th and so on. Users have one week to finish the Player of the Month plan and to acquire the rewards. As usual, those who are interested in this plan shouldn’t forget to check Twitter, Facebook or the official website as starting dates and plan availability are regularly posted. Players can expect weekly announcements every Tuesday (hours vary depending on time zone). That’s when the plan becomes available. FIFA Mobile and FIFA Ultimate Team the console version are separate games so Team of the Week players may not be the same. There is a weekly FIFA Mobile blog that goes into details about chosen players and selection criteria. The Player of the Month is announced on the first Monday of each new month. FIFA Mobile team encourages the community to share its thoughts on Player of the Month plan by posting on social networks, official forum or sending feedback. Besides you can get the rewards in the game actitivities, you also can buy fifa mobile account from some legit website, which can help you to buy the better players to stranger your team, you can enjoy games with the coins buying.